Lukas Wallrabe
Since 2022, Lukas Wallrabe has shaped the development of strategic relationships at CDM Smith, focusing on the expansion of new business areas. His strategic mindset and creative approach have been instrumental in accelerating our company’s growth, especially in the energy transition sector.
One of his key career achievements is the establishment of the Civil Engineering Procurement Construction (Civil EPC) service offering for stationary energy infrastructure projects across Europe. He is especially proud of having built a strong network of partners, maintaining good customer relationships, and successfully acquiring major projects in the area of battery storage systems, where CDM Smith supports clients from permitting to implementation.
For Lukas Wallrabe, a successful project means not only on-time and on-budget delivery but also the creation of sustainable value, whether through technical innovation or making a positive contribution to the energy transition and to clients. "A project must meet the requirements of all stakeholders and lay the foundation for long-term partnerships," he explains. To achieve this, Lukas Wallrabe highlights the critical role of close teamwork. "The best results come from interdisciplinary exchange, as is actively fostered at CDM Smith through the close cooperation of our experts from various disciplines on a daily basis."
True innovations arise where knowledge meets strong relationships and interdisciplinary collaboration.