
Careers at CDM Smith

At CDM Smith, we make the world better in places where we live and work. As a multi-national and multi-cultural company, we attract the best and brightest profes­sion­als in the industry. We are committed to ensuring a high-level of client satis­fac­tion and being an ethical and respected firm that is growing through strong core values and exceptional performance of our people.

Our employees are the heart of our company. As an employer of choice, our goal is to provide a challenging, progressive and inclusive work environment which fosters personal leadership, career growth and development for every employee. We value passionate individuals who challenge the norm, deliver world-class solutions and bring diverse perspec­tives.  Join our team and together we will make a difference and change the world. 

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Grow Your Career

Career Development
Supported by an environment of mentoring and learning, our employees live to a very high standard: to be the very best and brightest individuals in their chosen field. We are committed to the career development of each employee, and through specif­i­cally designed career paths, we provide the oppor­tu­ni­ties, advancement measures, and resources employees need to develop. 

CDM Smith University

Whether providing continuing education require­ments to maintain profes­sional licenses and regis­tra­tions or teaching a new skill set to enhance an employee’s advance­ments, CDM Smith University helps its students grow profes­sion­ally and personally. Our corporate training program provides training and continuing education oppor­tu­ni­ties that further our business goals and staff career development. 

Profes­sional Licenses 

We are committed to supporting profes­sional regis­tra­tions and certifications, and have several policies and programs in place to help achieve them. Currently, we employ more American Academy of Envi­ron­men­tal Engineering Diplomates than any other consulting firm. 

CDM Smith in the Community

At CDM Smith, our em­ploy­ees have a strong com­mit­ment to help­ing com­mu­ni­ties—our own and those in need around the world. 

As part of the firm's commitment to sustain­abil­ity, the CDM Smith Cares pro­gram is a grass-roots, vol­un­teer pro­gram—im­ple­mented at the local level by em­ploy­ees—that sup­ports a num­ber of com­mu­nity and char­i­ta­ble or­ga­ni­za­tions and events. Through the pro­gram, em­ploy­ees across the firm participate in numerous local efforts, and a number of these local ef­forts sup­port char­i­ties and or­ga­ni­za­tions that are en­dorsed at the firmwide level. The CDM Smith Cares struc­ture sup­ports local com­mu­nity out­reach ac­tiv­i­ties by lever­ag­ing the com­bined re­sources of CDM Smith and the vol­un­teers who ded­i­cate them­selves to these ef­forts.

See how our employees are giving back through CDM Smith Cares.
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