Compliance & Ethics

Compliance & Ethics

CDM Smith is founded on an un­wa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to in­tegrity and ex­cel­lence. Since the firm’s founding in 1947, we have upheld a policy to conduct all business in a lawful and ethical man­ner. We are com­mit­ted to an en­vi­ron­ment where open, hon­est com­mu­ni­ca­tions are the ex­pec­ta­tion, not the ex­cep­tion. We hold one an­other ac­count­able to live our core val­ues of ex­cel­lence, ini­tia­tive, team­work, shared com­mit­ment and in­tegrity every day.

Our Code of Business Conduct sets forth the guiding principles for conducting business with the highest ethical standards. Every CDM Smith employee has a shared commitment to meet these standards and conduct business with integrity. In addition, CDM Smith expects our business partner to uphold these same high standards as detailed in our Business Partner Code of Conduct.

CDM Smith also pro­vides an anony­mous re­port­ing sys­tem for ad­dress­ing eth­i­cal con­cerns and ask­ing pol­icy-re­lated ques­tions. The CDM Smith In­tegrity Line is also avail­able to third par­ties – cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers and the pub­lic.

Our new Business Partner Code of Conduct.
Our Code of Business Conduct

Meet our Chief Compliance Officer

Who: Beth Colling

Back­ground: At­tor­ney with 26 years of ex­pe­ri­ence in busi­ness law, risk man­age­ment and com­pli­ance.


  • Served as Chief Com­pli­ance Of­ficer for various inter­na­tional companies, including a publicly traded en­ergy com­pany and a pri­vately held au­to­mo­tive man­u­fac­turer.
  • Served as gen­eral coun­sel for a con­sult­ing firm assisting corpo­ra­tions in the strategic development of com­pli­ance pro­grams.
  • Speaker at nu­mer­ous lead­er­ship fo­rums on im­ple­ment­ing legal com­pli­ance mea­sures for multi­na­tional com­pa­nies.

Certi­fi­ca­tions: Cer­ti­fied in Corporate Compliance and Ethics Profes­sional. 

Beth Colling Beth Colling
It's the responsibility of  each of us to conduct business in an ethical and professional manner. At CDM Smith, integrity is more than just a core value, it's the way we operate.
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Learn more about CDM Smith's Integrity Line.
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