A Defining Decade: Purpose, Community and Connections

A Defining Decade: Purpose, Community and Connections
Dave Burnett Boston
Dave shares his formula for success within his teams: invest in profes­sional growth and reinvest in your community.   

When I joined CDM Smith 10 years ago, fresh out of college, I was curious about how my career would unfold and the journey that lay ahead. In school I learned dozens of formulas and countless definitions but in the working world, how would those skills transfer, what oppor­tu­ni­ties would be available, and how would they present themselves in my career? As time went on, my role, and I, evolved. I started as a technical resource working on a wide range of projects and now, as a project manager, that variety continues. However instead of completing tasks, I am responsible for maintaining the scope, schedule and budget primarily in the conveyance realm of water, wastewater and storm water piping systems. Adapt­abil­ity is key, and I often find myself working on diverse projects, from generator instal­la­tions to lead service lines. 

CDM Smith recognized my potential and invested in my profes­sional growth, recently appointing me as the Regional Team Leader for our Boston head­quar­ters. Now, in addition to my role as project manager, I lead a diverse group of 20 individuals, ranging from junior to senior roles. While I am new to the role, I partic­u­larly enjoy nurturing the growth and development of our junior staff. It's rewarding to make in-person connections and see the impact of my efforts on the team. This sense of fulfillment is engrained in my daily work and something I genuinely look forward to. 

One memorable series of projects involved creating compre­hen­sive inventories of water services for some of our local Boston clients to comply with an EPA mandate. We identified and documented the size, material, and instal­la­tion year of every water service in each system, ensuring compliance with EPA regulations and protecting public health, which was especially important in older neigh­bor­hoods with outdated infra­struc­ture. In some cases, this was tens of thousands of water services! Growing up in this area, it was fulfilling to work on projects that directly improved the health of my community. The project had a tangible impact on residents' daily lives by enhancing the water infra­struc­ture and improving their quality of life. As part of these projects, I had the opportunity to work on a phone bank to talk directly to concerned residents. Hearing and addressing their concerns made the work all the more meaningful.

Outside of my daily role, CDM Smith has also been instru­men­tal in my profes­sional development. They supported me in obtaining my master’s degree through their tuition assistance program during which they were flexible with my schedule to accommodate my classes. They also covered the costs and provided preparation classes for my PE and PMP certi­fi­ca­tions, ensuring I had the resources to advance my career. The firm’s encour­age­ment even extended beyond formal education. They urged me to pursue networking oppor­tu­ni­ties at conferences across the country as well as complete a career and leadership development program within the company called the Elevate Leadership Program through our Leadership Academy. This support has been invaluable in shaping my career and has inspired me to pay it forward.

The world around us is changing, and the work we do at CDM Smith plays a significant role in that trans­for­ma­tion. While improving communities is our primary goal, building trust and genuine connections within our teams has been crucial in making it a reality.

Beyond work, I enjoy organizing office events that bring our team together. From organizing our summer softball league and golf tournament, to now planning Red Sox and Bruins games, these activities have always strength­ened our bonds. My personal favorite is the J.P. Morgan Corporate Run Challenge, the world’s largest corporate running event. While the event has its own charity, we addi­tion­ally use it to raise funds for CDM Smith’s partner, Water For People, an orga­ni­za­tion dedicated to ending the global water crisis. All are welcome, and as an avid runner, I see it as an atmosphere that brings people together as we typically have dozens of partic­i­pants from all departments.

At the end of the day, in-person, person­al­ized inter­ac­tions are the most fulfilling part of my job. Whether managing projects, coor­di­nat­ing office events, mentoring staff, or stepping into a new role like Regional Team Leader, the connections we make truly matter to the success of our team and our communities. I was able to achieve this with the help of CDM Smith’s inherent culture of giving back, along with their unwavering support and flexibility that allows us to stretch our creativity and explore new possi­bil­i­ties.

I have grown profes­sion­ally in more ways than one since being a curious new profes­sional just entering the workforce, and I’m eager to see where this journey takes me next.

David Burnett is a project manager and Regional Team Leader in our Boston, Massachusetts office.

Dave Burnett Headshot
While improving communities is our primary goal, building trust and genuine connections within our teams has been crucial in making it a reality.
David Burnett, P.E., PMP Project Manager and Regional Team Leader
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