Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future
A new parking lot in Lawrence is the sign of a promising future. While expanses of pavement may not be applauded by many communities, this one symbolizes a gateway to revitalization. This 8.6-acre former industrial site thrived in the mid-1800s with massive mills and manufacturing facilities. Today, through a unique public/private partnership, this brownfields remediation project is a critical piece of a citywide redevelopment plan that will return this and other properties to beneficial reuse, including a much-heralded landscaped parking facility.
This brownfields remediation project is a critical piece of a citywide redevelopment plan that will return this property to beneficial reuse.

Through a unique public/private partnership, this brownfields remediation project is a critical piece of a citywide redevelopment plan.
A large stakeholder group, including GenCorp, the city of Lawrence, numerous state and local agencies, the mayor and members of Congress, all came together to drive project success.