Beyond Bricks and Mortar
To support the project, we are designing a green campus-wide utility delivery system that will provide for all thermal, electrical and wet utilities, including steam, natural gas, heating and chilled water, electricity, stormwater, water and sewer, and telecommunications. A critical component is a network of distributed energy facilities. The campus’ first 9-megawatt cogeneration plant, a technology that generates fewer greenhouse gases and a smaller carbon footprint, will include LEED® features and provide electricity and high-pressure steam for medical research.
This utility master plan will intertwine with every part of Harvard’s Allston campus master plan and provide effective and efficient delivery of utility services...
Other sustainable campus design components under evaluation include a stormwater plan that maximizes retention, reuse and groundwater recharge through natural landscaping; heat recovery systems; and thermal storage strategies that will chill and store water in the evening to minimize peak-demand operations. This utility master plan will intertwine with every part of Harvard’s Allston campus master plan and provide effective and efficient delivery of utility services—serving as a successful model of sustainable design for other institutions and communities.

Harvard's campus-wide green utility delivery system will serve as a model of sustainable design for other institutions and communities.