Facilitating Green Prosperity in Indonesia
Based on funding from the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for the "Green Prosperity Program," the governments of Indonesia and the United States partnered to help alleviate poverty and reduce impacts to the environment by creating long-lasting economic growth opportunities and decreasing carbon emissions through various initiatives.
This 5-year, $330 million grant program was implemented by the government of Indonesia via the Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia). The program comprised more than 100 projects focused on land-use, eco-tourism, forestry and renewable energy. Key program outcomes included:
Fulfilling the Need for Structure
To facilitate a program of this magnitude, MCA-Indonesia hired CDM Smith as the program management consultant (PMC), with the primary role of ensuring that all project activities were carried out in a coordinated, effective manner, and that the strategic goals and outcomes of the Green Prosperity Project were achieved. The CDM Smith team was composed of a joint venture between CDM Smith and Hatfield Consultants, in partnership with Planet Partnerships. To consistently oversee and track a program of this magnitude, a comprehensive program management plan (PMP) and information system (PMIS) was required. CDM Smith developed the PMP, which included a full suite of programmatic business processes, roles and responsibilities, and templates for program execution, and a custom-designed PMIS to operationalize these program delivery processes and templates.
As the PMC, CDM Smith ensured adherence to MCA-Indonesia’s requirements; helped to manage program-wide costs, schedules and milestones; developed and implemented monitoring and evaluation approaches; actively planned program activities and supported MCA-Indonesia in all program aspects, including technical, operational, financial and reporting. To support such a large program, the CDM Smith-led team hired more than 150 employees and consultants, resulting in more than 1,000 months of personnel support. Team Leader David Spector said of the effort, “We overcame program challenges and achieved successful outcomes thanks to the teamwork and dedication of our large and diverse PMC team. Trusted partnerships with managers from MCA-Indonesia and MCC, the adaptability and grit among MCA-Indonesia staff, and the collaborative working relationships with delivery partners and grantees, made Green Prosperity a reality.”
Through the Green Prosperity project and other MCC compacts, Indonesia is taking steps toward a brighter future. Andry Thamrin, former MCA-Indonesia Green Prosperity Director, believes the Green Prosperity team “managed the grant program transactional needs well–considering a dynamic and complex operational environment—and provided thoughtful leadership and support for broader strategic program initiatives.” MCA-Indonesia was able to facilitate the implementation and investment needed for several impactful projects that will contribute to the financial and environmental prosperity of the next generation of Indonesians.
The team managed the grant program transactional needs well...and provided thoughtful leadership and support for broader strategic program initiatives.

We overcame program challenges and achieved successful outcomes thanks to the teamwork and dedication of our large and diverse team.
Other key program outcomes:
- Training for more than 20,000 cocoa and palm oil farmers;
- Construction of 200 canal-blocking structures to re-wet peatlands;
- 6 off-grid and 4 on-grid renewable energy projects that included solar and biomass power generation in rural communities throughout Indonesia;
- 40 districts in Indonesia with land use mapping, village boundary setting and geographic information system training, resulting in more than 350 village boundaries surveyed and mapped;
- Creation of a Green Knowledge Management Information System, which is an open platform that shares knowledge and data products from the program.