Jennifer Humphreys, AICP
“I’m inspired every day by the emotional involvement people bring to the discussion and debate about mobility,” says senior transportation planner Jenny Humphreys. “Passions often run high when planning for sustainable and affordable transportation. I take this energy and use it to find creative solutions that balance the demands for mobility with the constraints of environmental impacts and limitations of transportation infrastructure funding.”
Jenny has over two decades of experience and is responsible for coordinating the activities of CDM Smith’s full range of engineering, traffic, water, resources, environmental, and planning staff in the state of South Carolina. She also has a background in travel demand modeling and NEPA documentation, supporting the development of feasibility studies, transportation plans and environmental documents in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Texas for two decades.
"From the outside looking in, roadways and other transportation corridors look alike,” Jenny says. “When we dig in, though, each client has a unique set of values to consider when developing plans and prioritizing improvements." Jenny has put her clients’ needs and expectations above all else, knowing how essential mobility is to cultivate a strong community, economic stability, and access to jobs, healthcare, and recreation.
“We’ve always been pioneers in planning and analysis of infrastructure across all modes of transportation, and I am proud of the comprehensive view we bring when designing solutions for our clients,” she says.

I aim for economically sound designs that improve mobility and respect the environment and character of each community we serve.