Keegan L. Roberts, PhD, PE
Keegan Roberts, the firm’s contaminated sediments discipline leader, is professionally motivated by "building project teams where all the members have an active role—and that includes the client,” he says.
With more than two decades of environmental engineering experience, Keegan has mastered contaminated sediment assessment and remediation, including evaluating contaminant nature, extent, and quantification, designing remedial approaches, overseeing sampling, and surveying, and assessing models and projections for capping or dredging.
Keegan's notable work includes managing teams at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, where he worked to determine effective site-wide treatments on a complex contaminated site. “The sites we work on are too challenging to mince words about. That's why I'm known for a direct approach to communication,” Keegan says about his approach to leadership.
“I was fortunate enough to be exposed to some of CDM Smith's staff early in my career while I was with other firms. When the opportunity to work with such dedicated and intelligent people on some of the nation's most challenging sediment sites arose, I jumped at the opportunity. Those same reasons are why I am still here,” he says.

The sites we work on are too challenging to mince words about. That's why I'm known for a direct approach to communication.