Marian Hull, AICP, PP
“Creating better places for people is my passion,” says Marian Hull, transportation planner at CDM Smith. “Lately, that translates into revitalizing transportation infrastructure to support vibrant healthy communities. I'm most interested in finding ways to use infrastructure investments to enhance the human environment around it. Sometimes that's a functional solution, like adding bicycle, pedestrian, or transit facilities. On other projects, it's about how a roadway or rail line fits into the surrounding physical context.”
Marian is an accomplished transportation planner, adaptable collaborator and team leader skilled in forming partnerships and managing interdisciplinary projects. Her experience is wide-ranging; her skills include public outreach, community development, environmental sustainability, grant writing and program development.
Marian says her proudest project to date has been her work with PennDOT to reconstruct I-95 in Philadelphia. Designs are "humanizing" an interstate carrying 180,000 vehicles a day as it passes through dense urban neighborhoods along Philadelphia's Delaware River waterfront. “Our work has supported PennDOT's success in becoming an active partner in revitalizing the waterfront. The project includes new multi-use trails adjacent to and under the highway, improved access under I-95 to the waterfront, urban landscaping via green stormwater infrastructure, and aesthetic treatments to walls and other surfaces that reflect the industrial and natural history of the project area,” she says.

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