Roger L. Olsen, PhD
Dr. Roger Olsen has more than 27 years of experience in the conduct, planning, and management of comprehensive sampling programs for soils and water, treatability studies and implementation of quality control procedures. He is a recognized expert in evaluating and modeling chemicals in surface water, groundwater, soils, and sediments and the author of over 105 publications and presentations.
Roger has worked more than 150 remedial investigations and feasibility studies on sites contaminated with metals, like mercury. He is a fate and transport specialist, pioneering techniques to determine the sources of chromium, lead, and arsenic in soil.
He is a recognized expert in evaluating and modeling chemicals in surface water, groundwater, soils, and sediments, and because of his broad experience and technical expertise, Roger is routinely requested to assist in scoping and planning overall environmental strategies and remediation at sites.
Roger has grown his professional career at CDM Smith thanks to “the expertise of my colleagues, the opportunity to work on Superfund projects, and the firm’s recognized integrity and excellence.”

I'm inspired to find innovative and cost-effective solutions to our most complex environmental contamination problems.