Tim Boesch, AICP
“Transportation projects have social, institutional, and technical issues. Combining them into solutions that help people is inspirational,” says Tim Boesch, CDM Smith’s transportation planning expert.
Over the course of his career, Tim has supported a wide range of services regarding traffic and toll revenue forecasting, toll collection technology, transportation policy, downtown circulation, highway corridor analysis and transit corridor planning. He brings more than 25 years of transportation planning experience in academic, public agency and private consulting arenas, and is skilled at providing expert testimony for public agencies, solid analytical analysis for transportation planning, and translation of complicated material for stakeholder comprehension.
Tim’s recent work is helping Alabama DOT realize a major regional interstate bridge program, Washington State to help fund replacement of a locally critical lift bridge, Oregon to relieve congestion in the Portland region, and Qatar to modernize its parking approach and systems.
“CDM Smith believes in integrity and is in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry for the long haul—not just short-term profits. Our company thinks carefully about the projects we want to work on, executes those projects well, and enjoys good relationships with our clients. CDM Smith is large enough to provide life-long opportunities, yet small enough to provide access to national technical experts and senior leadership,” he says.

Transportation projects have social, institutional and technical issues. Combining them into solutions that help people is inspirational.