Travis Dunn, PhD
“I'm passionate about changing how we pay for transportation, specifically roads. Today, there's no visible connection between what we use and what we pay. Making that connection has the power to address a lot of the mobility challenges we face,” says CDM Smith’s alternative revenue expert Travis Dunn.
Travis has dedicated the past decade to helping public agencies craft and implement innovative transportation funding policies, with a focus on per-mile road usage charging. He has contributed to per-mile charge policy and system design and development for ten states, including the nation’s two operational programs in Oregon and Utah, and for the 17-member RUC America consortium of states. His specialties lie in financial analysis, policy design, system design, and strategic communication.
He has also conducted research on road funding, governance, and public policy in Portugal and Mexico, while supporting innovative road pricing programs in Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. Travis is based in Texas, but he works amongst a global team of experts.
“Change is hard, and it requires persuasion, innovation, compromise, and persistence. Being part of meaningful change is both challenging and rewarding, and that’s what drives me,” Travis says.

I love forming raw ideas into new concepts and making them real with my amazing colleagues.