Davonna Moore
Davonna Moore is a solutions-driven project manager and transportation planner at CDM Smith. With over 20 years of project experience, Davonna brings diverse expertise in complex multimodal and long-range planning to the firm.
Davonna’s main areas of expertise include exceptional communication and outreach skills, grant writing and management, budgeting and accounting, an understanding of public work programs, leadership and coaching, research, and analysis, and public policy. An emerging leader in DEI, Ms. Moore is taking the lead to strategically design equitable practices as a key tool to address our clients’ challenges and create tangible solutions that impact real change.
As the Kansas Department of Transportation’s former assistant bureau chief of transportation planning, Davonna led the $32 million federally funded Truck Parking Information Management System project, which is helping truck drivers locate safe parking more easily, using intelligent transportation systems and emerging technologies to detect vacant spaces to create a real-time data feed of parking availability. “I enjoy helping communities understand the importance of long-range planning. When people understand that factors like demographics, funding opportunity and project prioritization affect a community, I feel as though I’ve done my job,” she says.
“Transportation is on the front lines of innovation and emerging technology, and CDM Smith is a place where I can share the knowledge I’ve gained on these topics and help clients plan for the long term,” Davonna says.

I believe that planning should be approached holistically, and that moving goods and people is the crux of transportation.