Michael F. Schmidt, PE, BCEE, D.WRE
“A wise person once told me, ‘Find what you love to do and do that well,’” says Mike Schmidt, CDM Smith’s water resources infrastructure and resiliency practice leader. Mike certainly has proven the value of that maxim. With nearly 40 years in the field, he has succeeded in developing stormwater, water resources and ecosystem restoration improvements for USACE, FEMA, States and various communities, saving up to $385M in future capital costs on over $1.5B of infrastructure.
His principal areas of expertise lie in sustainable and resilient stormwater, civil works, flood control, green infrastructure, coastal, ecosystem restoration, water resource, and watershed master planning, modeling, research, facilities evaluations and design, permitting, operations, asset and data management, implementation, training, public information, and funding.
Mike’s work has had a global impact. He has managed or directed over 450 stormwater and water resource management projects for 225 clients in 34 states across the United States, and has played an expert review role on international projects in Australia, Singapore, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Hong Kong, Columbia, and Ireland.

Truly seeking excellence leads to success in all other areas of life.