What do you need to know about road usage charging?
Governments and automakers are racing to address climate concerns and meet evolving consumer demands for cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicles. But, it’s a blow to the gas tax’s viability. To address this looming fiscal challenge, Road usage charging (RUC) has emerged as a powerful policy tool to implement user fees based on distance driven on the road network. RUC programs are gaining popularity as a means of paying for America’s surface transportation system.
At CDM Smith, we combine decades of experience in policy development, pilot testing and public outreach to bring about a more equitable, sustainable road funding system for the future. See how our experts are moving the industry forward.

I'm passionate about changing how we pay for transportation, specifically roads.
How do we find the revenue to keep our roads from crumbling? Travis Dunn break down the shift to RUC and what both drivers and policy makers can expect.
How will we develop the infrastructure needed for the day when we’re all charging up instead of gassing up? Jeff Doyle explains the opportunities and challenges to achieving transportation electrification.