Jacki Murdock, AICP
Multimodal planning discipline leader Jacki Murdock’s work is rooted in the belief that good planning should serve to elevate all voices in communities and is easily implementable as well. “It’s important to remain sensitive to how to better incorporate equity and inclusion goals within the larger planning process,” she says.
Jacki specializes in leading multimodal transportation corridor plans, transit corridor analysis, and has extensive experience in alternatives development and project prioritization that balances budgets, maximizing benefits, and local agency and community needs. She manages multidisciplinary tasks to deliver high quality products that reflect the goals of the client and project objectives.
“I’m a transportation planner so, admittedly, I think of everything in terms of process. It’s integral for decision-makers to understand where they are in the planning process, assess their current and future infrastructure/technology needs, and identify a playbook for further action,” she says.
In recent years, Jacki has served as a transportation planner for long-range plans, leading public engagement and outreach, developing funding and grant strategy, and implementing policies and specifications relative to alternative contracting methods in Illinois and Texas.
“It’s important to remain sensitive to how to better incorporate equity and inclusion goals within the larger planning process."