Warum sind Sie für CDM Smith tätig? Das hat viele Gründe. Erstens schätze ich die verantwortungsvollen Aufgaben und Projekte, die uns gemeinsam im Team fordern und bei denen ich mein Ingenieurwissen einbringen kann. Zweitens habe ich einen interessanten Kundenstamm, den ich teilweise seit mehr als 20 Jahren persönlich betreue. Die mir entgegengebrachte Wertschätzung der Kunden motiviert mich sehr. Hinzu kommt die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie durch die flexible Arbeitszeit und das Vertrauen innerhalb des Unternehmens. Und natürlich mag ich die netten und hochqualifizierten Kollegen, mit denen ein offener und ehrlicher Umgang möglich ist - auch außerhalb des Büroalltags. Das alles zusammen ist eine tolle Mischung.
Wie meistern Sie die alltäglichen hohen Anforderungen unserer Kunden? Mit Zuhören, Geduld, gezieltem Nachfragen, Initiative und Kompetenz.
Welcher Aspekt der Arbeit liegt Ihnen besonders? Da ich ein sehr kommunikativer Mensch bin, arbeite ich gerne mit Menschen zusammen, mag das Arbeiten im Team und bin gerne vor Ort beim Kunden.
Was unternehmen Sie, wenn Sie in Urlaub sind? Ich mache immer mit meiner Familie Urlaub und bin sehr gerne in der Natur. Ich mag es, mich draußen zu bewegen und Sport zu machen. Aber auch Städtereisen gehören mindestens einmal im Jahr dazu.
Why CDM Smith? It’s a company where you can work on interesting, challenging, high-profile projects that have a positive impact on clients and communities. CDM Smith is filled with great people who phave a lot to offer and the depth of resources makes it all the more fun to tackle big, complex challenges.
What’s your favorite part of your job? Seeing our teams do excellent work that results in clients coming back to us for help with their next challenge. I love witnessing that positive reinforcement and synergy build with each assignment.
What’s something you enjoy doing on your day off? Going on a hard bike ride with friends in the morning and then puttering around the yard for the rest of the day. I’d cap it off with a great dinner or evening on the beach.
What’s something that people might be surprised to know about you? I was once an avid competitive sailor and competed in the 1988 U.S. Olympic Trials.
Why CDM Smith? It’s a company where you can work on interesting, challenging, high-profile projects that have a positive impact on clients and communities. CDM Smith is filled with great people who phave a lot to offer and the depth of resources makes it all the more fun to tackle big, complex challenges.
What’s your favorite part of your job? Seeing our teams do excellent work that results in clients coming back to us for help with their next challenge. I love witnessing that positive reinforcement and synergy build with each assignment.
What’s something you enjoy doing on your day off? Going on a hard bike ride with friends in the morning and then puttering around the yard for the rest of the day. I’d cap it off with a great dinner or evening on the beach.
What’s something that people might be surprised to know about you? I was once an avid competitive sailor and competed in the 1988 U.S. Olympic Trials.
Why CDM Smith? It’s a company where you can work on interesting, challenging, high-profile projects that have a positive impact on clients and communities. CDM Smith is filled with great people who phave a lot to offer and the depth of resources makes it all the more fun to tackle big, complex challenges.
What’s your favorite part of your job? Seeing our teams do excellent work that results in clients coming back to us for help with their next challenge. I love witnessing that positive reinforcement and synergy build with each assignment.
What’s something you enjoy doing on your day off? Going on a hard bike ride with friends in the morning and then puttering around the yard for the rest of the day. I’d cap it off with a great dinner or evening on the beach.
What’s something that people might be surprised to know about you? I was once an avid competitive sailor and competed in the 1988 U.S. Olympic Trials.
Why CDM Smith? It’s a company where you can work on interesting, challenging, high-profile projects that have a positive impact on clients and communities. CDM Smith is filled with great people who phave a lot to offer and the depth of resources makes it all the more fun to tackle big, complex challenges.
What’s your favorite part of your job? Seeing our teams do excellent work that results in clients coming back to us for help with their next challenge. I love witnessing that positive reinforcement and synergy build with each assignment.
What’s something you enjoy doing on your day off? Going on a hard bike ride with friends in the morning and then puttering around the yard for the rest of the day. I’d cap it off with a great dinner or evening on the beach.
What’s something that people might be surprised to know about you? I was once an avid competitive sailor and competed in the 1988 U.S. Olympic Trials.
Why CDM Smith? It’s a company where you can work on interesting, challenging, high-profile projects that have a positive impact on clients and communities. CDM Smith is filled with great people who phave a lot to offer and the depth of resources makes it all the more fun to tackle big, complex challenges.
What’s your favorite part of your job? Seeing our teams do excellent work that results in clients coming back to us for help with their next challenge. I love witnessing that positive reinforcement and synergy build with each assignment.
What’s something you enjoy doing on your day off? Going on a hard bike ride with friends in the morning and then puttering around the yard for the rest of the day. I’d cap it off with a great dinner or evening on the beach.
What’s something that people might be surprised to know about you? I was once an avid competitive sailor and competed in the 1988 U.S. Olympic Trials.
Why CDM Smith? It’s a company where you can work on interesting, challenging, high-profile projects that have a positive impact on clients and communities. CDM Smith is filled with great people who phave a lot to offer and the depth of resources makes it all the more fun to tackle big, complex challenges.
What’s your favorite part of your job? Seeing our teams do excellent work that results in clients coming back to us for help with their next challenge. I love witnessing that positive reinforcement and synergy build with each assignment.
What’s something you enjoy doing on your day off? Going on a hard bike ride with friends in the morning and then puttering around the yard for the rest of the day. I’d cap it off with a great dinner or evening on the beach.
What’s something that people might be surprised to know about you? I was once an avid competitive sailor and competed in the 1988 U.S. Olympic Trials.